Boone, North Carolina passed a CEASEFIRE resolution on June 26, 2024

Resolution Advocating for an Immediate, Sustained, and Permanent Bilateral Peace in Palestine and Israel

Whereas, the decades-old conflict in the Middle East has claimed the lives of thousands of innocent men, women, and children; has caused immeasurable suffering to countless individuals in both Israel and Palestine; has destroyed civilian infrastructure, including homes, schools, places of worship, and medical facilities; and continues to pose a significant risk of further death and destruction on both sides if de-escalation does not occur; and

Whereas, no people should be expected to abandon the hope and expectation of a safe, stable home that ensures an environment conducive to inalienable rights such as the freedom of speech, assembly, and religion; the right to self-government; the right to acquire, possess, and protect property; the right to vote; the pursuit of happiness; and the right to self- determination; and

Whereas, the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and Israel—which has resulted in tens of thousands of deaths and more than 100,000 injuries to noncombatant civilians who reside in the region and rendered much of the Gaza Strip unsuitable for habitation—is a direct result of one people's need for a safe homeland being pitted against another's by the actions of 20th-century Western colonizing powers; and

Whereas, conditions of deprivation and hopelessness are known to be fertile breeding grounds for violence and extremism; and

Whereas, the U.S. federal government holds immense political, diplomatic, and economic power to save both Palestinian and Israeli lives; and

Whereas, the Town of Boone does not invest municipal funds in Israel- or Gaza-based companies, does not hold Israeli or Gazan debt or other securities, and is not invested in United States or international defense or military equipment stocks or securities; and

Whereas, the Town of Boone advocates for peace, safety, dignity, freedom, and equality for all people, and is composed of diverse individuals whose collective cultures, religions, backgrounds, orientations, abilities, and viewpoints create a community that prides itself on being welcoming and accepting of people from all walks of life; and

Whereas, the Town of Boone and all levels of government must stand united in combating intolerance, xenophobia, discrimination, and hate against individuals of varying ethnicities and religious beliefs, particularly in response to the recent rise in Islamophobia and antisemitism;

Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Town of Boone, North Carolina, advocates for the federal government of the United States and other willing global and regional leaders to facilitate:

1. Cessation of Hostilities:

An immediate and bilateral ceasefire in Israel and Palestine, supervised by neutral global powers to ensure a fair, honest, and sustained cessation of all hostilities. This will facilitate the process of healing and normalcy for all communities involved.

2. Release and Return of Detainees:

The release and safe return of all Israeli and Palestinian hostages, and all people detained without reason deemed appropriate by established international law. This includes a call for an end to all forms of torture, whether social, livelihood-based, financial, psychological, sexual, or physical, for everyone in the lands of Israel and Palestine.

3. Urgent Humanitarian Aid:

Immediate, unfettered, sustained, and enhanced resumption of aid, including shelter, food, clean water, sanitary products, medical supplies (e.g., antibiotics, intravenous fluids, anesthetics, bandages, labor and delivery/surgical products), and the recruitment of medical staff including doctors, nurses, and the required support staff. This also includes the procurement of ambulances and the rebuilding of civilian infrastructure (homes, schools, hospitals, roads, internet, and mobile services) via international aid agencies, or through the creation of new agencies to support this task.

4. Material and Environmental Support:

  • Provision of adequate material support for and work towards enhancing and uplifting physical and social environments in order to transform entrenched conditions of constructed hopelessness, pessimism, and abject poverty.

  • Establishment of pathways for trauma-informed mental health counseling for all those who have been affected by the conflict.

    • Creation of meaningful opportunities for youth, the unemployed, and the disabled, and promotion of an environment free of antisemitism, Islamophobia, and any other forms of prejudice and bias.

5. Media Access:

Allowing access to journalists from well-established international agencies to ensure the above measures are being followed by all parties, and providing additional resources and oversight as needed; and

Be it further resolved that the Town of Boone reaffirms its support for all Palestinian, Israeli, Muslim, Jewish, and Christian people, as well as people of all other faiths and people of no professed faith. This includes people of all cultures, ethnicities, backgrounds, orientations, abilities, identities, genders, and viewpoints who are residents, visitors, and guests in our community; and

Be it further resolved that the Town of Boone condemns all forms of antisemitic, Islamophobic, and anti-Arab rhetoric and/or attacks, as well as any other forms of "othering" rhetoric and/or attacks; and

Be it further resolved that the Boone Town Council and the Town of Boone are committed to taking legal, policy, legislative, and/or enforcement action whenever necessary to protect the safety, health, and well-being, as well as the civil, political, and human rights, of all members of the Boone community, to the extent permitted under the Constitution and laws of the United States, the Town charter issued by the State of North Carolina, the General Statutes of the State of North Carolina, and the Town of Boone Municipal Code, and to the extent that such actions fall within the purview of the Town’s authority and expertise; and

Be it further resolved that the Boone Town Council will ensure that copies of this Resolution are quickly forwarded to President Joseph Biden; Secretary of State Antony Blinken; Senators Thom Tillis and Ted Budd; and its Congressional Representative, Virginia Foxx.

Adopted this 26th day of June 2024