Wayne County, Michigan passed a CEASEFIRE resolution on December 19, 2023


By Commissioners Basham, Baydoun, Bell, Clemente, Daub, Haidous, Killeen, Knezek and Scott

WHEREAS, Wayne County is the largest and most diverse County in Michigan. According to the most recent U.S. Census, Wayne County is home to the largest concentration of Arab Americans in the U.S., making up 7.8% of its residents. The Jewish population in Wayne County is also substantial, with Metro Detroit having the 26th-largest Jewish community in America based on a 2018 report; and

WHEREAS, the current conflict in the Middle East has impacted families in Wayne County, more than most communities, with many losing family members. An immediate sustainable peaceful solution is needed to restore stability and peace to both the region and to families, including their loved ones living abroad in Wayne County and beyond; and

WHEREAS, a surprise attack on October 7, 2023 by Hamas against Israel reignited a decades-long conflict, with Israel immediately declaring war against Hamas. Over 18,000 people, of which 70 percent have been women and children, have lost their lives, and over 240 hostages have been captured according to the United Nations; and

WHEREAS, despite a brief ceasefire and release of some hostages, hostilities between Israel, Hamas and other associated armed militant groups resumed December 1, 2023, further intensifying ground assaults, rocket fire, security operations, air strikes and other violent attacks; and

WHEREAS, due to heightened security concerns and expanding military presence in the Gaza Strip, tighter restrictions on the movement of people and goods have significantly decreased the quality of life for those living in the area, and some 1.9 million people, more than 80% of the total population, have been displaced according the United Nations; and

WHEREAS, the current conflict marks the most significant escalation in decades between Israel and Hamas. If the conflict continues its current course, the catastrophic humanitarian situation will worsen as violence escalates and necessary infrastructures deteriorate beyond habitable conditions; and

WHEREAS, the United Nations has called for "a true humanitarian ceasefire" and "immediate, durable and sustained humanitarian truce leading to a cessation of hostilities." Now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Wayne County Commission on this 19th day of December, 2023 does hereby condemn all acts of violence against the Israeli and Palestinian people, and mourns the loss of all civilian lives and hostages; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Wayne County Commission urges the prompt release of all hostages, the end to any arbitrary detentions and the humane treatment in compliance with international law of the Israeli and Palestinian people; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Wayne County Commission urges the Biden Administration, its representatives to the United Nations and members of Congress to support a ceasefire and allow for unimpeded expansion of humanitarian aid throughout the region and the continuation of peace talk negotiations between Hamas and Israel. Let a copy of this resolution be shared with the White House Administration and Michigan Congressional members.