Lebanon, New Hampshire passed a CEASEFIRE resolution on April 17, 2024

PROPOSED by the DEI Commission:

City of Lebanon Resolution in Support of Peace in Gaza and Israel

WHEREAS the City Council of Lebanon (henceforth referred to as “the Council”) affirm the intrinsic value of human life and the human rights of all people regardless of race, skin color, national or ethnic origin, cultural group, language, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, mental or physical ability, age, religious or political opinion or activity, economic status, immigration status, or housing status, in accordance with the Welcoming Lebanon Ordinance; and

WHEREAS the Council recognizes that in a widely multicultural community, matters of international concern have local significance; and

WHEREAS the Council grieves the tragic losses of human lives, both Palestinian and Israeli, in devastating numbers in the last half a year alone, and expresses its deepest sympathies for the friends, families, and communities of those affected by the ongoing violence; and

WHEREAS there have been significant local effects arising from the ongoing violence, including a rise in antisemitism, Islamophobia, and anti-Arab and anti-Palestinian racism, leading to safety concerns and a reduced quality of life for members of the greater Lebanon community; and

WHEREAS the Council understands that many members of the greater Lebanon community have not felt their concerns to be heard by members of higher levels of government and are seeking recognition at the local level;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council affirms and echoes the City’s residents’ fervent desire for an immediate and permanent bilateral end to violence in the region, the safe return of all hostages and prisoners, Israeli and Palestinian, and for the development of a lasting peace based on a recognition of the universality of human rights and fundamental equality of all peoples; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council affirms and echoes the City’s residents’ fervent desire for priority to be given to humanitarian aid, especially medical care and relief from hunger to those most affected by the ongoing violence in the region, as well as an end to military aid; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council condemns antisemitism, Islamophobia, and racism of all forms, at home and abroad, and will work to foster an environment in which all members of the greater Lebanon community can feel safe practicing and expressing their cultural and religious identities freely and in public, without fear of discrimination or harm; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council will forward a copy of this resolution to our United States Congressional delegation, namely Representative Ann Kuster, Senator Jeanne Shaheen, and Senator Maggie Hassan, as an indication of the greater Lebanon community’s deeply held desire for peace, abroad and at home.