The Cleveland (Ohio) People’s Ceasefire Resolution was passed on March 4, 2024


RESOLUTION NO. 1 -2024, affirming Cleveland’s status as a city that stands with the oppressed

Whereas the Zionist political ideology over the last 100 years and the settler colonial state of Israel over the last 75 years have shown commitment to exterminating the Palestinian people.

Whereas the settler-colonial state of Israel has violated international law and ignored humanitarian resolutions, continuing to build illegal settlements in occupied Palestine and laying siege to the Gaza strip, with no regard for the international community.

Whereas the settler-colonial state of Israel has continued its violent occupation currently engaging in the indiscriminate bombing of Gaza resulting in the death of almost 30,000 Palestinians, over 15,000 of whom are children. It is recognized therein that this number is likely a gross underrepresentation, considering the Gazan people have lost the ability to count their dead buried under the rubble of bombed hospitals, schools, places of worship, and homes.

Whereas the United States government has been fully and knowingly complicit in Israel’s illegal actions and violence and continues to annually send more than 3.8 billion dollars in U.S. tax dollars to the Israeli military at the expense of the American people’s well-being.

Whereas Cleveland City Council has purposefully refused the bold and consistent voices of its citizenry on multiple occasions, including an outright refusal to pass or introduce a ceasefire resolution.

Whereas Cleveland City Council members have knowingly engaged in actions harmful to the Palestinian people, such as: spreading racist stereotypes about the Palestinian people, accusing Palestinians and their allies of potential violence without evidence, posing for photos with known harassers of the Palestinian community, and increasing police presence at public meetings.

Whereas Cleveland City Council has time and again proven themselves unable to speak for the people of Cleveland on issues of police brutality, gun violence, school funding, fair housing, and tenants’ rights while also refusing to stand up for its Palestinian and Jewish residents. It is recognized that Cleveland City Council has failed Gaza as it has failed its residents.

Whereas Cleveland City Council has consistently and systematically undermined the public comment section of city council meetings through censorship, police intimidation, unconstitutional First Amendment violations, and slow access to meetings for the public.

Whereas, Cleveland City Council has demonstrated more allegiance to outside interests than their present, Cleveland-based constituency.

Whereas, other cities in Ohio such as Akron, Toledo, Dayton, Yellow Springs, and Athens have passed ceasefire resolutions for the people of Palestine in light of the genocide occurring in Gaza since October.

Whereas the City of Cleveland has identified two sister cities - a symbolic connection of two cities for diplomatic purposes - in Israel, Holon and Beit She’an.

Whereas the city of Cleveland has passed a resolution on international crises such as the ongoing invasion of Ukraine.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, on this day March 4th, 2024, by the People of Cleveland:

Section 1. The people of Cleveland take it upon themselves to represent this city, and affirm that Cleveland stands with Palestine and all oppressed people. That all our liberation is tied together and that the people of Cleveland see the importance of this solidarity in dismantling oppressive systems.

Section 2. The people of Cleveland demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire, an end to the occupation, an establishment of humanitarian corridors to bring aid to the People of Gaza and occupied Palestine, and a release of all hostages, including the 9,000 Palestinian political prisoners, so that they may return home to their families.

Section 3. The people of Cleveland refuse to support the settler colonial state of Israel financially, and demand that all money invested into the illegal activities of Israel be returned to the American people to be reinvested in our communities, particularly Black and Indigenous communities.

Section 4. The people of Cleveland will do whatever is in their power to end all funding to Israel, both private and public. Sanctions will be enforced against Israeli entities or non-Israeli entities that assist Israel's occupation of Palestine.

Section 5. The people of Cleveland demand public officials who have made racist generalizations about the Palestinian community or who have appeared alongside known harassers of the Palestinian community issue a public apology.

Section 6. The people of Cleveland will vote according to these beliefs in all city, county, state, and federal elections.

Section 7. The people of Cleveland will continue to build solidarity so that the Palestinian cause is one that unites us in our struggle for liberation.

Section 8. The people of Cleveland will engage in protests, canvassing, power building, continued presence at city council meetings, and educational events in the community until the City recognizes and affirms the stance of the people of Cleveland.

Section 9. The people of Cleveland refuse to acknowledge any sister cities in the settler colonial state of Israel and instead declare Rafah and Gaza City as sister cities of the people of Cleveland in which the people of Cleveland see themselves mirrored in the liberation struggle.

Section 10. The people of Cleveland will henceforth advocate at the county, state and federal level to lobby representatives to call for a permanent ceasefire and begin the process of divesting finances and investments from Israel, in both governmental and private sectors.