The Missouri Democratic Party passed a CEASEFIRE resolution on June 22, 2024

Resolution in Support of the Biden Proposal for an Israeli-Palestinian Ceasefire, Hostage/Prisoner Exchange, and Humanitarian Aid to Gaza

Whereas, the longstanding and deeply complex Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a source of immense suffering for both Israeli and Palestinian people,

Whereas, the recent hostilities in Gaza have created tragic consequences, leading to the loss of innocent civilian lives, extensive destruction, and suffering among both Israelis and Palestinians,

Whereas, the attack against innocent Israelis on October 7, 2023, utilizing torture and rape as weapons of war was the deadliest attack against Jewish people since the Holocaust,

Whereas, the tens of thousands civilian casualties; the hundreds of thousands of civilian injuries, destruction of infrastructure, residential buildings, and medical facilities in Gaza has horrified people the world over,

Whereas, extremists in the United States have used this horrific conflict to engage in antisemitism and Islamophobia across the country,

Whereas, it is important to protect the rights, dignity, and security of all individuals,

Whereas, President Biden has called for "a full and complete ceasefire, a withdrawal of Israeli forces from all populated areas of Gaza,"

Whereas, President Biden has called for the release of Israeli hostages in Gaza in exchange for the release of some Palestinian prisoners,

Whereas, President Biden and his administration have taken the lead in establishing a pipeline for humanitarian aid deliveries to Gaza and have called for a global effort to surge humanitarian aid to the citizens of Gaza,

Whereas, President Biden has consistently called for a permanent end to conflict in the region and the adoption of a long term "two state" solution that ensures safety, autonomy, and security for Israelis and Palestinians,

Whereas, the Missouri Democratic Party is aligned with the positions and goals expressed by House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, Leader Jeffries Statement on President Biden's Middle East Peace Plan, June 3, 2024 and UN Security Council Resolution 2735 (2024) adopted June 10, 2024 calling for immediate cessation of hostilities, return of hostages, and the rebuilding of Gaza,

Whereas, Missouri Democrats have an unwavering commitment to the principles of human rights, international law, and the peaceful resolution of conflicts,

Therefore be it resolved that the Missouri Democratic Party:

  •   calls for the release of all hostages

  •   expresses its immense sorrow over the loss of innocent lives and the suffering endured by civilians in Gaza, Israel, and the broader region

  •   condemns any and all acts of terrorism perpetrated by Hamas

  •   condemns any and all indiscriminate military attacks against civilians led by the government of Israel

  •   calls for an immediate ceasefire, encouraging all parties to prioritize the protection of civilian lives

  •   supports equality and self-determination for the Palestinian people

  •   supports President Biden's efforts to facilitate a two-state solution, through "direct negotiations between willing and responsible partners" where all parties recognize the State of Israel and the State of Palestine

  •   supports President Biden's efforts to seek a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,

  •   calls on Missouri Democrats to recognize the humanity of both Palestinians and Israelis when commenting on the crisis and condemns rhetoric that leads to bigotry, hatred, and violence