The Riverside County Democratic Party passed a CEASEFIRE resolution on February 12, 2024

Call for a Humanitarian Ceasefire in Gaza

WHEREAS Democrats are committed to the principles of human rights, international law, and peaceful conflict resolution; and

WHEREAS the recent hostilities in Gaza in retaliation for the deadly attack on October 7, 2023 have created tragic consequences, leading to the loss of tens of thousands of innocent civilian lives, extensive destruction, suffering among both Israelis and Palestinians, and accusations of violations of international law; and

WHEREAS the National Democratic Party currently supports a negotiated two-state solution that ensures Israel's future as a Jewish and democratic state with recognized borders and upholds the right of Palestinians to live in freedom and security in a viable state of their own;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Riverside County Democratic Party supports an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza and the release of all hostages for both humanitarian reasons and as a necessary prelude to a negotiated equitable settlement between Israel and the Palestinians.