The Santa Clara County Board of Education (in California) passed a CEASEFIRE resolution on January 29, 2024



WHEREAS, the Santa Clara County Board of Education (SCCBOE) is committed to promoting inclusive and just conditions where all our students, staff members, and families feel a sense of belonging; and

WHEREAS, the SCCBOE acknowledges the suffering of the peoples of the Middle East, including Palestinian and Israeli children, and affirms our shared humanity; and

WHEREAS, the SCCBOE previously adopted resolutions “Denouncing Anti-Semitism” and “Denouncing Islamophobia'' and reaffirms our denunciation of Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia; and

WHEREAS, we cherish our cultural richness and strive to ensure all communities feel respected and heard, including our Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Israeli-American, Arab-American, Palestinian, and Middle Eastern communities; and

WHEREAS, the SCCBOE recognizes the history of conflicts in the Middle East; and

WHEREAS, the SCCBOE values peaceful conflict resolutions in the world and in our schools and classrooms; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the SCCBOE strives to lead by example in demonstrating to students how people with disparate perspectives can support students’ emotional and mental health needs by uniting in our advocacy for peaceful dialogue and resolution among all parties involved in the Middle East; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the SCCBOE urges our community to develop and participate in activities that foster respect, empathy, education, and understanding of people of all backgrounds and religious faiths; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the SCCBOE looks forward to a future where all can live with dignity and security in peace; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the SCCBOE believes together as concerned leaders we must foster hate-free communities, classrooms, and schools by in which hate speech, bullying, and violence are addressed; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the SCCBOE strongly believes in calling for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza and the release of all hostages, which demonstrates to Santa Clara County students that leaders can advocate for peaceful conflict resolution for the good of humanity and for the sake of children; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Santa Clara County Board of Education strives to ensure each and every Santa Clara County student feels safe and valued, and that hate speech, Islamophobia, Anti- Semitism, Anti-Palestinian racism, and Anti-Israeli racism must be condemned and eliminated in all learning environments.

PASSED AND ADOPTED by the County Board of Education at a meeting held on January 29, 2024