The California Democratic Party passed a CEASEFIRE resolution on May 17, 2024


Reaffirmation 24-05.001


WHEREAS, the historical and complex nature of the relationships between different peoples cannot be reduced to a simplistic narrative, reaffirming that Palestinians and Israelis have rights to self-determination, security, and peace and that recent conflicts have resulted in acts of violence, vandalism, and intimidation, resulting in increased antisemitism, Islamophobia, and anti-Palestinian and anti-Israeli bigotry; and

WHEREAS, on October 7, 2023, the worst terrorist attack on Israel by Hamas resulted in the deaths of 1,163 Israelis, more than 200 hostages taken captive, making this the worst terrorist attack on Israel in its history, and the Israeli military's overwhelming response in Gaza, along with Hamas' tactics, have resulted in the deaths of possibly more than 36,000 Palestinians, including at least 11,500 children, and over 1.1 million Palestinian civilians are experiencing a humanitarian crisis of catastrophic proportions in disease, malnourishment, starvation, shelter; and

WHEREAS, we value human life and peaceful conflict resolution; as does President Biden, who has been diligently working to effect a durable cease-fire, as too many lives have already been lost on both sides; the Israeli right-wing's blocking of Gaza aid, targeting, killing, and dehumanization of Palestinian civilians in the West Bank and Gaza and Hamas' targeting of Jewish and foreign civilians have pulled Israelis and Palestinians further apart from reaching a two-state solution and further putting Palestinians repeatedly in harm's way.

Therefore be it resolved, that the California Democratic Party is unified in condemning Hamas, and its horrific atrocities of October 7th, and in condemning Israel's bombing campaign that has caused unacceptable and tremendous death, suffering, and displacement of Palestinian civilians of Gaza and Israel, and recognizes that all parties must abide by the rules of war and international laws and be held accountable for their actions, as neither the right of self-defense nor resistance is limitless, and

Be it further resolved that the California Democratic Party stands unified against hate and supports all efforts that promote a lasting, humanitarian ceasefire that includes

  • immediate release of hostages from Gaza

  • protection of civilians in Gaza and Israel

  • a mutual permanent ceasefire

  • delivery of adequate lifesaving humanitarian aid to Gaza

  • and-a pathway for Israelis and Palestinians towards a mutually negotiated durable peace based on a two-state solution.

This Reaffirmation was passed by the California Democratic Party Resolutions Committee at the May 2024 Executive Board Meeting in San Diego.


California Democratic Party Calls for a Ceasefire in Gaza

For Immediate Release

For press inquiries contact: Mirvette Judeh: 949 337-2455 | Yoana Tchoukleva: 301 502-5785 | Hanieh Jodat: 310 819-0770

In a historic moment, the California Democratic Party has, for the first time, condemned military actions by Israel against Palestinians and called for a ceasefire. The resolution denounced “Israel’s bombing campaign” against Palestinian civilians along with the October 7 attack on Israeli civilians. 

The compromise statement followed a lengthy debate in the Resolutions Committee on Friday, May 17, at a weekend meeting of the state party’s Executive Board.

The move was the culmination of a month-long process in which three sets of authors submitted resolutions: one came from the Los Angeles County Democratic Party, the second from the Riverside County Democratic Party, and the third from a Palestinian-led statewide group of state party Central Committee members.

While all three proposed resolutions called for a ceasefire and delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza, only the last one called for suspending military funding until Israel demonstrates compliance with international law and respect for Palestinian human rights. 

Resolutions Committee leaders created a substitute document that included parts of the three original resolutions but added language shifting responsibility for the killing of over 36,000 people in Gaza and the ongoing starvation of Palestinians there to Hamas’ tactics, rather than Israel’s devastating bombing campaign and invasion. 

At times impassioned exchanges among members of the Resolutions Committee left the audience of about 100 delegates gasping or cheering. Co-chairs Agi Kessler and Kenneth Armstrong guided the discussion and emphasized the party’s principles of respect for all life.  

“It was very important to us to show the Resolutions Committee that regardless of Hamas’ tactics, Israel’s indiscriminate bombing of Palestinian civilians in Gaza — with U.S. weapons — is a war crime under international law and not something the majority of Democrats stand for,” said Yoana Tchoukleva, a co-author of the third resolution and elected party Central Committee member from Oakland. “By leading with compassion and reaching out across ideological divides, we were able to do what many thought was impossible — persuade state party leaders to accept most of our amendments to their combined resolution and pass a joint statement that will hopefully sway more of our congressional and state representatives to push for an immediate ceasefire.”

The final, adopted resolution stresses the importance of international law and calls for a mutual, permanent ceasefire, immediate release of hostages, protection of civilians in Gaza and Israel, delivery of adequate life-saving humanitarian aid and a pathway for Israelis and Palestinians toward a mutually negotiated, durable peace.

“The dehumanization of Palestinians by the news, social media, and government officials is the reason the televised genocide and ethnic cleansing of my people with our tax dollars is still happening for over seven months and counting,” said Mirvette Judeh, a Palestinian-American leader, elected state Central Committee member from Orange County and co-author of the third resolution

Judeh expressed gratitude that for the first time in seven months her community felt heard by the Democratic Party. “The fact that the final resolution mentions the dehumanization of Palestinians in the West Bank, which has been happening for over 76 years, is a step in the right direction. My community is suffering and we are experiencing trauma like never before. It wasn’t an easy discussion, but we felt heard during the deliberations. The resolution isn’t perfect, but it is a start.” 

Many in the party, including Hanieh Jodat, a Resolutions Committee member from Orange County, felt that while there is much work left to do to get to an actual ceasefire, important new ground was broken. 

“This was an opportune moment where people seized the chance to find common ground, communicate with one another, and be transformative on both sides of the issue,” said Rabbi Steven Jacobs, a longtime human rights activist who witnessed the deliberations.