Durham, New Hampshire passed a CEASEFIRE resolution on March 4, 2024


A Resolution Acknowledging the Impact of the Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza and Israel on Residents of the Town of Durham, New Hampshire; Affirming the Town's Stance Against Hate, Bigotry, and Discrimination; and Calling for the immediate: Safe Release of All Hostages, the Provision of Humanitarian aid to Civilians in Gaza, and a Durable Bilateral Ceasefire Among the Parties to the Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza and Israel.

WHEREAS, the Town of Durham prides itself on being a diverse and inclusive community that values empathy, understanding, and the well-being of all its residents; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Durham has established a local Human Rights Commission with the goal of taking steps to ensure the basic human rights of every person, to counter prejudice and eliminate discrimination without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, creed, religion, national or social origin, or ancestry, among others; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Durham is a community enriched by its diverse populace, including Palestinian, Israeli, Muslim, Jewish, and residents of various other backgrounds; and

WHEREAS, the ongoing conflict in Israel and Gaza has caused significant distress among many of our residents, leading to feelings of pain, fear, and concern for their loved ones in the region; and

WHEREAS, the ongoing conflict in Israel and Gaza has not only directly affected our Palestinian American and Jewish American residents but also those who, regardless of their own heritage, have family, friends, or other connections in the affected region; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Durham recognizes that such an international issue, while outside our municipal governance scope, resonates deeply and impacts the emotional wellbeing of many within our community; and

WHEREAS, antisemitic acts have increased in Durham as the Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza and Israel has intensified, and the Town's goal of being a welcoming and inclusive community calls us to oppose antisemitism, Islamophobia, and all other forms of bigotry wherever they may appear; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Durham expresses its unwavering support for all Arab, Israeli, Palestinian, Jewish, Muslim, and all other members of the Durham community who are impacted, each of whom has the right to learn, work, worship, gather, advocate, mourn, and celebrate free from intimidation, harassment, and fear of violence; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Durham condemns both Hamas' war crimes on October 7, 2023, including the killing of 1,200 innocent civilians and the taking of roughly 240 hostages, and since that date, the ensuing confirmed deaths of over 30,000 Palestinians, 70% of whom are women and children, from military actions by the Israeli government according to United Nations reports; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Durham expresses its deep concern at the rapidly deteriorating humanitarian situation in and around Gaza and its impact on the civilian populations there, and expresses deep concern regarding the ongoing captivity and status of hostages living and deceased, underlining the need for timely and safe humanitarian access into and throughout the Gaza Strip and takes note of the concerning reports from the United Nations and humanitarian organizations in this regard; and

WHEREAS, to fund Israel's defense and military each year, taxes are provided by Durham residents, $19.5 million comes out of the State of New Hampshire, and $3.8 billion comes out of the United States.

Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the Town Council, the legislative and governing body of the Town of Durham, New Hampshire, hereby resolves that:

.1. We affirm the right of Israel and of all states to exist in peace and security.

  1.   The Town of Durham firmly condemns Islamophobia, antisemitism, and all forms of hate, bigotry, and discrimination, reaffirming its commitment to a community where all individuals are respected and protected, regardless of their faith, ethnicity, or connections to global issues.

  2.   As principles in line with our community's values, the Town of Durham asks the President of the United States and members of the United States Congress to 1) immediately ensure the provision of humanitarian aid to civilians in Gaza, 2) pursue the safe release of all hostages, and 3) secure a durable bilateral ceasefire that guarantees all Palestinians and Israelis the right to safety, dignity and freedom.

Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be sent to United States Representative Chris Pappas from New Hampshire; United States Senators Maggie Hassan and Jeanne Shaheen from New Hampshire; and United States President Joseph Biden, urging them to take action toward this end.

PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Town Council of the Town of Durham, New Hampshire this 4th day of March, 2024 by six (6) affirmative votes, two (2) negative votes and one (1) abstention.