Columbus, Ohio passed a CEASEFIRE resolution on March 25, 2024

To call for peace and an immediate, sustained and mutual end to hostilities in Gaza; the release of hostages and detainees; and the urgent expansion of humanitarian assistance.

WHEREAS, Columbus City Council defends the basic human rights of all people - irrespective of national, racial, ethnic, religious, political, sexual orientation, gender identity or other marginalized group affiliation - to enjoy the blessings of peace, free from violence, intimidation, and harassment; and,

WHEREAS, we condemn Hamas’ terrorist attacks on Israel and hostage-taking of innocent civilians on October 7, and,

WHEREAS, we condemn the ongoing humanitarian crisis and the killing of Palestinian civilians in Gaza over the last five months of military warfare, and,

WHEREAS, Council has heard from countless constituents in Columbus across diverse communities who are calling for peace, whose loved ones were killed in the worsening conflict, whose families are experiencing famine and devastation, and who have been personally threatened and fear violence; and,

WHEREAS, we stand united against anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, and anti-Palestinian and anti-Israeli bigotry; and,

WHEREAS, the conflict’s continued escalation heightens the chances of larger regional conflict and threats of violence against our families here in Columbus; now, therefore,


Columbus City Council reaffirms its commitment to combat anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, and anti-Palestinian and anti- Israeli bigotry, and to unite our community in support of the right of all people to safely live, learn, work, play, and worship, as well as to gather, advocate, mourn, and celebrate, in peace; and,

Council calls for an immediate, sustained and mutual end to hostilities in Gaza; the release of hostages and detainees; and the urgent expansion of humanitarian assistance, and,

Council also stands with the United States government in stressing international legal obligations to protect civilians, humanitarian workers and medical personnel; condemning the taking and killing of hostages, the murder of civilians; opposing additional resettlement in and forced displacement of civilians from Gaza; supporting efforts for the recovery and reconstruction of Gaza; and reiterating an unwavering commitment to the peace process.